of The Dayton Foundation


Monday, March 8, 1999 - 4:00 pm
Christ United Methodist Church
3440 Shroyer Road
Kettering, OH 45429-2697


Present Tom Creager, George Kuhn, Jeff Siebenthaler, and Frank Root being all of the Directors. Also present were Stuart Weinberg, former chair, Mike Parks, President of the Dayton YMCA and Jack Singerman, Honorary Director.

The first order of business was the election of an Interim Chairman, made necessary by the untimely death of Bob Barr. Upon motion duly made Frank M. Root was unanimously named Interim Chair.

Discussion had relative to prior action of the board that YMCA of Dayton continue to assist in fund raising on behalf of this Fund and further providing that the Dayton Foundation will continue to send periodic lists of Fund donors to the YMCA for acknowledgement. Then prior action was affirmed.

The next order of business was the election of directors. Tom Creager having served three terms was not eligible for reelection. Frank Root and Stuart Weinberg were nominated for three year terms and were unanimously elected.

The final order of business was the election of a chairman. Upon motion duly made Frank Root was unanimously elected chairman.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 5:20 PM. The next meeting will be scheduled at the call of the chair.

Respectively submitted,

By ___________________

Frank M. Root, Chairman
C.B. Kern Fund Advisory Board

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